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(W180): Dados técnicos de reparo do relé do pisca-pisca

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(W180): Dados técnicos de reparo do relé do pisca-pisca Empty (W180): Dados técnicos de reparo do relé do pisca-pisca

Mensagem por AEP Qua 26 Mar 2014, 18:44

Fonte: http://www.mbzponton.org/valueadded/maintenance/blinkerfix1.htm

Inexpensive way to Replace a Broken
Mercedes-Benz Ponton Blinker Relay

OK, I admit it; I am cheap, and retired.

Your friendly auto parts counter person will sell you a 3 prong, 12 volt replacement blinker relay (flasher unit) for your Mercedes-Benz Ponton for 5 bucks instead of the 60 smackeroos that the dealer wants. All brands will work exactly the same and are labeled the same. Does not matter at all where you buy the replacement part.

The terminals on the old, expensive flasher unit are replaced thus:

49 (15) becomes X on the new flasher black/brown wire "power in."

C (K) becomes P on the new flasher green wire "dash light."

49a (54) becomes L on the new flasher black/green/white wire "lamps."

I realize that the little Ponton can no longer be a show car after this conversion, but the turn signals now flash normally and I can almost hear the flasher unit clicking with most of my ear wax intact.

Jack Davis / International Ponton Owners Group (IPOG) member / Nevada
Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:18 pm

Created: July 11, 2006 / Jeff Miller
© www.mbzponton.org

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